How YOLO Works

  • YOLO works by deviding images into certain fixed cells and detect whether object is present their or not. If object is present, it will be detected and gives a output vector as below:


  • pc means probability of class whether there is dog or cat or both or neither. If present, it will be 1.0 else 0.0.

  • bx,by,bh,bw means bounding box coordinates. It is a rectangle which encloses the object.
  • c means class. It is the class of the object. That means whether that is dog or cat in the case of detecting dog and cat.

  • After performing all above task it will perform a IOU which is Intersection Over Union in order to fine tune the output.


  • IOU is a measure of how much two boxes overlap. If two boxes overlap, it will be 1.0. If they don't overlap, it will be 0.0. Correct if IOU>=0.5 .

If there is not object in the cell, it will be 0.0 in all the output vector.

Architechture of YOLO-V4


There is mainly 4 layers in YOLO-V4 they are:

  • INPUT :
    • This is the input layer. It is the input image.
  • Backbone :

    • This is the backbone of the network. It is the feature extractor.
    • For extracting features in the image, it uses CSPDarknet53 model
  • Neck :

    • Here in this block extracted features are collected to feed to the Dense Prediction.
  • Dense Prediction :

    • This is the dense prediction block. It is the final block of the network.
    • Here YOLO-V3 used for detection. SO it does object detection, classification and plotting bounding box.

Object Detection Using YOLO-V4 on Custom Dataset

  • Mount a drive first by running following code:
from google.colab import drive
!ln -s /content/drive/My\ Drive/ /mydrive
!ls /mydrive

Install Darknet by cloning the repository by following command

!git clone

Change makefile to have GPU and OPENCV enabled

  • Initially OPENCV=0 means inactive but following command makes it activate
  • Initially GPU=0 means it is deactivated but by following code it activate
  • Initially CUDNN=0 means it is deactivated but by following code it activate
%cd darknet# 
!sed -i 's/OPENCV=0/OPENCV=1/' Makefile
!sed -i 's/GPU=0/GPU=1/' Makefile
!sed -i 's/CUDNN=0/CUDNN=1/' Makefile

Configuring configuration file for training by making a copy of yolov4-tiny.cfg named namaste.cfg in my case.

  • After running below code cell go inside darknet folder and then cfg folder, there u will find copy of yolov4-tiny.cfg, in my case it is named as namaste.cfg.
  • Open that in google docs and update the parameter as follows : Training-> subdivisions=16 max_batches = 6000 for two class and general formula to calculate batch size is given as:

    steps = 80% of max_batches, 90% of max_batches

  • Now go to the bottom of the file where [yolo] resides, there classes are by default 80 you should set it according to how much classes you have. Do this for all classes which is under [yolo].

  • Now Just above the [yolo] heading there is filters which you should change according to following formula :
- Do this for every [yolo] headings
!cp cfg/yolov4-tiny.cfg cfg/namaste.cfg

Creating obj.names and files

  • Following code will create two files inside darknet/data/ and set the path to the train.txt and test.txt by creating it.
  • It also create and file, where is the file which contains the classes path to train.txt, test.txt, backup folder where our model will reside and a path to the google drive folder and obj.names contains the classes name.
!echo $'Namaste' > data/obj.names

!echo -e 'classes= 2\ntrain  = data/train.txt\nvalid  = data/test.txt\nnames = data/obj.names\nbackup = /content/drive/MyDrive/yolo_data/' > data/
!mkdir data/obj

Data creation part

  • This is the most crucial part of the project where you create a dataset for your project.
  • Once you collect a data that you want to train yolo model, then you need to annotate it. Which can be done using labelimg tool and tutorial for this is here.
  • After annotating your images upload it to github by making it in a zip file.

Following code will unzip the annotated data that you upload in a google drive.

!unzip /mydrive/yolo_data/ -d data/obj

Following code will return a list of paths matching a pathname pattern.

import glob
images_list = glob.glob("data/obj/multipleimages/*.jpg")

Following code will create train.txt file which is essential for training our model.

file = open("data/train.txt", "w") 

Following code will train YOLO-V4 model and save the model in your google drive path which you have given in a file.

!./darknet detector train data/ cfg/namaste.cfg darknet53.conv.74 -dont_show