


  • Step 1:Perform Hands Landmarks Detection

  • Step 2:Build the Fingers Counter

  • Step 3:Visualize the Counted Fingers

  • Step 4:Build the Hand Gesture Recognizer

  • Step 5:Build a Selfie-Capturing System controlled by Hand Gestures

Alright, so without further ado, let's get started.

Creating Environment for the project

  • Creating conda environment :

    conda create -n hand python=3.7 -y

  • Activate Environment :

    conda activate hand

  • Installing Dependencies :

    pip install mediapipe

    pip install opencv-python

    pip install matplotlib

    pip install numpy

    pip install pygame

First, we will import the required libraries.

import cv2
import time
import pygame
import numpy as np
import mediapipe as mp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Initialize the Hands Landmarks Detection Model

After that, we will need to initialize the class and then set up the function with appropriate arguments and also initialize class that is required to visualize the detected landmarks. We will be working with images and videos as well, so we will have to set up the function two times.

Once with the argument static_image_mode set to True to use with images and the second time static_image_mode set to False to use with videos. This speeds up the landmarks detection process.

mp_hands =

# Set up the Hands functions for images and videos.
hands = mp_hands.Hands(static_image_mode=True, max_num_hands=2, min_detection_confidence=0.5)
hands_videos = mp_hands.Hands(static_image_mode=False, max_num_hands=2, min_detection_confidence=0.5)

# Initialize the mediapipe drawing class.
mp_drawing =

Step 1: Perform Hands Landmarks Detection

In the step, we will create a function detectHandsLandmarks() that will take an image/frame as input and will perform the landmarks detection on the hands in the image/frame using the solution provided by Mediapipe and will get twenty-one 3D landmarks for each hand in the image. The function will display or return the results depending upon the passed arguments.


def detectHandsLandmarks(image, hands, draw=True, display = True):
    This function performs hands landmarks detection on an image.
        image:   The input image with prominent hand(s) whose landmarks needs to be detected.
        hands:   The Hands function required to perform the hands landmarks detection.
        draw:    A boolean value that is if set to true the function draws hands landmarks on the output image. 
        display: A boolean value that is if set to true the function displays the original input image, and the output 
                 image with hands landmarks drawn if it was specified and returns nothing.
        output_image: A copy of input image with the detected hands landmarks drawn if it was specified.
        results:      The output of the hands landmarks detection on the input image.
    # Create a copy of the input image to draw landmarks on.
    output_image = image.copy()
    # Convert the image from BGR into RGB format.
    imgRGB = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    # Perform the Hands Landmarks Detection.
    results = hands.process(imgRGB)
    # Check if landmarks are found and are specified to be drawn.
    if results.multi_hand_landmarks and draw:
        # Iterate over the found hands.
        for hand_landmarks in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
            # Draw the hand landmarks on the copy of the input image.
            mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image = output_image, landmark_list = hand_landmarks,
                                      connections = mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS,
                                                                                   thickness=2, circle_radius=2),
                                                                                     thickness=2, circle_radius=2))
    # Check if the original input image and the output image are specified to be displayed.
    if display:
        # Display the original input image and the output image.
        plt.subplot(121);plt.imshow(image[:,:,::-1]);plt.title("Original Image");plt.axis('off');
    # Otherwise
        # Return the output image and results of hands landmarks detection.
        return output_image, results              

Now let's test the function detectHandsLandmarks() created above to perform hands landmarks detection on a sample image and display the results.

image = cv2.imread('image/hand.jpg')
detectHandsLandmarks(image, hands, display=True)

Great! got the required landmarks so the function is working accurately.

Step 2: Build the Fingers Counter

Now in this step, we will create a function countFingers() that will take in the results of the landmarks detection returned by the function detectHandsLandmarks() and will utilize the landmarks to count the number of fingers up of each hand in the image/frame and will return the count and the status of each finger in the image as well.


How will it work?

To check the status of each finger (i.e., either it is up or not), we will compare the y-coordinates of the FINGER_TIP landmark and FINGER_PIP landmark of each finger. Whenever the finger will be up, the y-coordinate of the FINGER_TIP landmark will have a lower value than the FINGER_PIP landmark.

But for the thumbs, the scenario will be a little different as we will have to compare the x-coordinates of the THUMB_TIP landmark and THUMB_MCP landmark, and the condition will vary depending upon whether the hand is left or right.

Finger Counter

For the right hand, whenever the thumb will be open, the x-coordinate of the THUMB_TIP landmark will have a lower value than the THUMB_MCP landmark, and for the left hand, the x-coordinate of the THUMB_TIP landmark will have a greater value than the THUMB_MCP landmark.

Note: You have to face the palm of your hand towards the camera.

def countFingers(image, results, draw=True, display=True):
    This function will count the number of fingers up for each hand in the image.
        image:   The image of the hands on which the fingers counting is required to be performed.
        results: The output of the hands landmarks detection performed on the image of the hands.
        draw:    A boolean value that is if set to true the function writes the total count of fingers of the hands on the
                 output image.
        display: A boolean value that is if set to true the function displays the resultant image and returns nothing.
        output_image:     A copy of the input image with the fingers count written, if it was specified.
        fingers_statuses: A dictionary containing the status (i.e., open or close) of each finger of both hands.
        count:            A dictionary containing the count of the fingers that are up, of both hands.
    # Get the height and width of the input image.
    height, width, _ = image.shape
    # Create a copy of the input image to write the count of fingers on.
    output_image = image.copy()
    # Initialize a dictionary to store the count of fingers of both hands.
    count = {'RIGHT': 0, 'LEFT': 0}
    # Store the indexes of the tips landmarks of each finger of a hand in a list.
    fingers_tips_ids = [mp_hands.HandLandmark.INDEX_FINGER_TIP, mp_hands.HandLandmark.MIDDLE_FINGER_TIP,
                        mp_hands.HandLandmark.RING_FINGER_TIP, mp_hands.HandLandmark.PINKY_TIP]
    # Initialize a dictionary to store the status (i.e., True for open and False for close) of each finger of both hands.
    fingers_statuses = {'RIGHT_THUMB': False, 'RIGHT_INDEX': False, 'RIGHT_MIDDLE': False, 'RIGHT_RING': False,
                        'RIGHT_PINKY': False, 'LEFT_THUMB': False, 'LEFT_INDEX': False, 'LEFT_MIDDLE': False,
                        'LEFT_RING': False, 'LEFT_PINKY': False}
    # Iterate over the found hands in the image.
    for hand_index, hand_info in enumerate(results.multi_handedness):
        # Retrieve the label of the found hand.
        hand_label = hand_info.classification[0].label
        # Retrieve the landmarks of the found hand.
        hand_landmarks =  results.multi_hand_landmarks[hand_index]
        # Iterate over the indexes of the tips landmarks of each finger of the hand.
        for tip_index in fingers_tips_ids:
            # Retrieve the label (i.e., index, middle, etc.) of the finger on which we are iterating upon.
            finger_name ="_")[0]
            # Check if the finger is up by comparing the y-coordinates of the tip and pip landmarks.
            if (hand_landmarks.landmark[tip_index].y < hand_landmarks.landmark[tip_index - 2].y):
                # Update the status of the finger in the dictionary to true.
                fingers_statuses[hand_label.upper()+"_"+finger_name] = True
                # Increment the count of the fingers up of the hand by 1.
                count[hand_label.upper()] += 1
        # Retrieve the y-coordinates of the tip and mcp landmarks of the thumb of the hand.
        thumb_tip_x = hand_landmarks.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.THUMB_TIP].x
        thumb_mcp_x = hand_landmarks.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.THUMB_TIP - 2].x
        # Check if the thumb is up by comparing the hand label and the x-coordinates of the retrieved landmarks.
        if (hand_label=='Right' and (thumb_tip_x < thumb_mcp_x)) or (hand_label=='Left' and (thumb_tip_x > thumb_mcp_x)):
            # Update the status of the thumb in the dictionary to true.
            fingers_statuses[hand_label.upper()+"_THUMB"] = True
            # Increment the count of the fingers up of the hand by 1.
            count[hand_label.upper()] += 1
    # Check if the total count of the fingers of both hands are specified to be written on the output image.
    if draw:

        # Write the total count of the fingers of both hands on the output image.
        cv2.putText(output_image, " Total Fingers: ", (10, 25),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (20,255,155), 2)
        cv2.putText(output_image, str(sum(count.values())), (width//2-150,240), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
                    8.9, (20,255,155), 10, 10)

    # Check if the output image is specified to be displayed.
    if display:
        # Display the output image.
        plt.imshow(output_image[:,:,::-1]);plt.title("Output Image");plt.axis('off');
    # Otherwise

        # Return the output image, the status of each finger and the count of the fingers up of both hands.
        return output_image, fingers_statuses, count

Now we will utilize the function countFingers() created above on a real-time webcam feed to count the number of fingers in the frame.

camera_video = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

# Create named window for resizing purposes.
cv2.namedWindow('Fingers Counter', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)

# Iterate until the webcam is accessed successfully.
while camera_video.isOpened():
    # Read a frame.
    ok, frame =
    # Check if frame is not read properly then continue to the next iteration to read the next frame.
    if not ok:
    # Flip the frame horizontally for natural (selfie-view) visualization.
    frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1)
    # Perform Hands landmarks detection on the frame.
    frame, results = detectHandsLandmarks(frame, hands_videos, display=False)
    # Check if the hands landmarks in the frame are detected.
    if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
        # Count the number of fingers up of each hand in the frame.
        frame, fingers_statuses, count = countFingers(frame, results, display=False)
    # Display the frame.
    cv2.imshow('Fingers Counter', frame)
    # Wait for 1ms. If a key is pressed, retreive the ASCII code of the key.
    k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
    # Check if 'ESC' is pressed and break the loop.
    if(k == 27):

# Release the VideoCapture Object and close the windows.

Astonishing! the fingers are being counted very fast.

Step 3: Visualize the Counted Fingers

Now that we have built the finger counter, in this step, we will visualize the status (up or down) of each finger in the image/frame in a very appealing way. We will draw left and right handprints on the image and will change the color of the handprints in real-time depending upon the output (i.e., status (up or down) of each finger) from the function countFingers().

  • The hand print will be Red if that particular hand (i.e., either right or left) is not present in the image/frame.

  • The hand print will be Green if the hand is present in the image/frame.

  • The fingers of the hand print, that are up, will be highlighted by with the Orange color and the fingers that are down, will remain Green.

Finger Count Visualization

To accomplish this, we will create a function annotate() that will take in the output of the function countFingers() and will utilize it to simply overlay the required hands and fingers prints on the image/frame in the required color.

We have the .png images of the hands and fingers prints in the required colors (red, green, and orange) with transparent backgrounds, so we will only need to select the appropriate images depending upon the hands and fingers statuses and overlay them on the image/frame.

Hands and fingers prints

def annotate(image, results, fingers_statuses, count, display=True):
    This function will draw an appealing visualization of each fingers up of the both hands in the image.
        image:            The image of the hands on which the counted fingers are required to be visualized.
        results:          The output of the hands landmarks detection performed on the image of the hands.
        fingers_statuses: A dictionary containing the status (i.e., open or close) of each finger of both hands. 
        count:            A dictionary containing the count of the fingers that are up, of both hands.
        display:          A boolean value that is if set to true the function displays the resultant image and 
                          returns nothing.
        output_image: A copy of the input image with the visualization of counted fingers.
    # Get the height and width of the input image.
    height, width, _ = image.shape
    # Create a copy of the input image.
    output_image = image.copy()
    # Select the images of the hands prints that are required to be overlayed.
    # Initialize a dictionaty to store the images paths of the both hands.
    # Initially it contains red hands images paths. The red image represents that the hand is not present in the image. 
    HANDS_IMGS_PATHS = {'LEFT': ['media/left_hand_not_detected.png'], 'RIGHT': ['media/right_hand_not_detected.png']}
    # Check if there is hand(s) in the image.
    if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
        # Iterate over the detected hands in the image.
        for hand_index, hand_info in enumerate(results.multi_handedness):
            # Retrieve the label of the hand.
            hand_label = hand_info.classification[0].label
            # Update the image path of the hand to a green color hand image.
            # This green image represents that the hand is present in the image. 
            HANDS_IMGS_PATHS[hand_label.upper()] = ['media/'+hand_label.lower()+'_hand_detected.png']
            # Check if all the fingers of the hand are up/open.
            if count[hand_label.upper()] == 5:
                # Update the image path of the hand to a hand image with green color palm and orange color fingers image.
                # The orange color of a finger represents that the finger is up.
                HANDS_IMGS_PATHS[hand_label.upper()] = ['media/'+hand_label.lower()+'_all_fingers.png']
            # Otherwise if all the fingers of the hand are not up/open.
                # Iterate over the fingers statuses of the hands.
                for finger, status in fingers_statuses.items():
                    # Check if the finger is up and belongs to the hand that we are iterating upon.
                    if status == True and finger.split("_")[0] == hand_label.upper():
                        # Append another image of the hand in the list inside the dictionary.
                        # This image only contains the finger we are iterating upon of the hand in orange color.
                        # As the orange color represents that the finger is up.
    # Overlay the selected hands prints on the input image.
    # Iterate over the left and right hand.
    for hand_index, hand_imgs_paths in enumerate(HANDS_IMGS_PATHS.values()):
        # Iterate over the images paths of the hand.
        for img_path in hand_imgs_paths:
            # Read the image including its alpha channel. The alpha channel (0-255) determine the level of visibility. 
            # In alpha channel, 0 represents the transparent area and 255 represents the visible area.
            hand_imageBGRA = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
            # Retrieve all the alpha channel values of the hand image. 
            alpha_channel = hand_imageBGRA[:,:,-1]
            # Retrieve all the blue, green, and red channels values of the hand image.
            # As we also need the three-channel version of the hand image. 
            hand_imageBGR  = hand_imageBGRA[:,:,:-1]
            # Retrieve the height and width of the hand image.
            hand_height, hand_width, _ = hand_imageBGR.shape

            # Retrieve the region of interest of the output image where the handprint image will be placed.
            ROI = output_image[30 : 30 + hand_height,
                               (hand_index * width//2) + width//12 : ((hand_index * width//2) + width//12 + hand_width)]
            # Overlay the handprint image by updating the pixel values of the ROI of the output image at the 
            # indexes where the alpha channel has the value 255.
            ROI[alpha_channel==255] = hand_imageBGR[alpha_channel==255]

            # Update the ROI of the output image with resultant image pixel values after overlaying the handprint.
            output_image[30 : 30 + hand_height,
                         (hand_index * width//2) + width//12 : ((hand_index * width//2) + width//12 + hand_width)] = ROI
    # Check if the output image is specified to be displayed.
    if display:

        # Display the output image.
        plt.imshow(output_image[:,:,::-1]);plt.title("Output Image");plt.axis('off');
    # Otherwise

        # Return the output image
        return output_image

Now we will use the function annotate() created above on a webcam feed in real-time to visualize the results of the fingers counter.

camera_video = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

# Create named window for resizing purposes.
cv2.namedWindow('Counted Fingers Visualization', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)

# Iterate until the webcam is accessed successfully.
while camera_video.isOpened():
    # Read a frame.
    ok, frame =
    # Check if frame is not read properly then continue to the next iteration to read the next frame.
    if not ok:
    # Flip the frame horizontally for natural (selfie-view) visualization.
    frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1)
    # Perform Hands landmarks detection on the frame.
    frame, results = detectHandsLandmarks(frame, hands_videos, display=False)
    # Check if the hands landmarks in the frame are detected.
    if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
        # Count the number of fingers up of each hand in the frame.
        frame, fingers_statuses, count = countFingers(frame, results, display=False)
    # Visualize the counted fingers.
    frame = annotate(frame, results, fingers_statuses, count, display=False)
    # Display the frame.
    cv2.imshow('Counted Fingers Visualization', frame)
    # Wait for 1ms. If a key is pressed, retreive the ASCII code of the key.
    k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
    # Check if 'ESC' is pressed and break the loop.
    if(k == 27):

# Release the VideoCapture Object and close the windows.

Woah! that was Cool, the results are delightful.

Step 4: Build the Hand Gesture Recognizer**

We will create a function recognizeGestures() in this step, that will use the status (i.e., up or down) of the fingers outputted by the function countFingers() to determine the gesture of the hands in the image. The function will be capable of identifying the following hand gestures:

  • V Hand Gesture (i.e., only the index and middle finger up)
  • SPIDERMAN Hand Gesture (i.e., the thumb, index, and pinky finger up)
  • HIGH-FIVE Hand Gesture (i.e., all the five fingers up)

For the sake of simplicity, we are only limiting this to three hand gestures. But if you want, you can easily extend this function to make it capable of identifying more gestures just by adding more conditional statements.

def recognizeGestures(image, fingers_statuses, count, draw=True, display=True):
    This function will determine the gesture of the left and right hand in the image.
        image:            The image of the hands on which the hand gesture recognition is required to be performed.
        fingers_statuses: A dictionary containing the status (i.e., open or close) of each finger of both hands. 
        count:            A dictionary containing the count of the fingers that are up, of both hands.
        draw:             A boolean value that is if set to true the function writes the gestures of the hands on the
                          output image, after recognition.
        display:          A boolean value that is if set to true the function displays the resultant image and 
                          returns nothing.
        output_image:   A copy of the input image with the left and right hand recognized gestures written if it was 
        hands_gestures: A dictionary containing the recognized gestures of the right and left hand.
    # Create a copy of the input image.
    output_image = image.copy()
    # Store the labels of both hands in a list.
    hands_labels = ['RIGHT', 'LEFT']
    # Initialize a dictionary to store the gestures of both hands in the image.
    hands_gestures = {'RIGHT': "UNKNOWN", 'LEFT': "UNKNOWN"}
    # Iterate over the left and right hand.
    for hand_index, hand_label in enumerate(hands_labels):
        # Initialize a variable to store the color we will use to write the hands gestures on the image.
        # Initially it is red which represents that the gesture is not recognized.
        color = (0, 0, 255)
        # Check if the person is making the 'V' gesture with the hand.
        # Check if the number of fingers up is 2 and the fingers that are up, are the index and the middle finger.
        if count[hand_label] == 2  and fingers_statuses[hand_label+'_MIDDLE'] and fingers_statuses[hand_label+'_INDEX']:
            # Update the gesture value of the hand that we are iterating upon to V SIGN.
            hands_gestures[hand_label] = "V SIGN"
            # Update the color value to green.
        # Check if the person is making the 'SPIDERMAN' gesture with the hand.
        # Check if the number of fingers up is 3 and the fingers that are up, are the thumb, index and the pinky finger.
        elif count[hand_label] == 3 and fingers_statuses[hand_label+'_THUMB'] and fingers_statuses[hand_label+'_INDEX'] and fingers_statuses[hand_label+'_PINKY']:
            # Update the gesture value of the hand that we are iterating upon to SPIDERMAN SIGN.
            hands_gestures[hand_label] = "SPIDERMAN SIGN"

            # Update the color value to green.
        # Check if the person is making the 'HIGH-FIVE' gesture with the hand.
        # Check if the number of fingers up is 5, which means that all the fingers are up.
        elif count[hand_label] == 5:
            # Update the gesture value of the hand that we are iterating upon to HIGH-FIVE SIGN.
            hands_gestures[hand_label] = "HIGH-FIVE SIGN"
            # Update the color value to green.
        # Check if the hands gestures are specified to be written.
        if draw:
            # Write the hand gesture on the output image. 
            cv2.putText(output_image, hand_label +': '+ hands_gestures[hand_label] , (10, (hand_index+1) * 60),
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 10, color, 5)
    # Check if the output image is specified to be displayed.
    if display:

        # Display the output image.
        plt.imshow(output_image[:,:,::-1]);plt.title("Output Image");plt.axis('off');
    # Otherwise

        # Return the output image and the gestures of the both hands.
        return output_image, hands_gestures

Now we will utilize the function recognizeGestures() created above to perform hand gesture recognition on a few sample images and display the results.

image = cv2.imread('image/spiderman.jpg')
flipped_image = cv2.flip(image, 1)
_, results = detectHandsLandmarks(flipped_image, hands, display=False)
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
    output_image, fingers_statuses, count = countFingers(image, results, draw=False, display = False)
    recognizeGestures(image, fingers_statuses, count)
image = cv2.imread('image/v-five.jpg')
flipped_image = cv2.flip(image, 1)
_, results = detectHandsLandmarks(flipped_image, hands, display=False)
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
    output_image, fingers_statuses, count =countFingers(image, results, draw=False, display = False)
    recognizeGestures(image, fingers_statuses, count)
image = cv2.imread('image/high-five.jpg')
flipped_image = cv2.flip(image, 1)
_, results = detectHandsLandmarks(flipped_image, hands, display=False)
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
    output_image, fingers_statuses, count =countFingers(image, results, draw=False, display = False)
    recognizeGestures(image, fingers_statuses, count)

Step 5: Build a Selfie-Capturing System controlled by Hand Gestures

In the last step, we will utilize the gesture recognizer we had made in the last step to trigger a few events. As our gesture recognizer can identify only three gestures (i.e., V Hand Gesture , SPIDERMAN Hand Gesture , and HIGH-FIVE Hand Gesture).

So to get the most out of it, we will create a Selfie-Capturing System that will be controlled using hand gestures. We will allow the user to capture and store images into the disk using the V Hand Gesture gesture. And to spice things up, we will also implement a filter applying mechanism in our system that will be controlled by the other two gestures. To apply the filter on the image/frame the SPIDERMAN Hand Gesture gesture will be used and the HIGH-FIVE Hand Gesture gesture will be used to turn off the filter.

filter image

camera_video = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

# Create named window for resizing purposes.
cv2.namedWindow('Selfie-Capturing System', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)

# Read the filter image with its blue, green, red, and alpha channel.
filter_imageBGRA = cv2.imread('media/filter.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

# Initialize a variable to store the status of the filter (i.e., whether to apply the filter or not).
filter_on = False

# Initialize the pygame modules and load the image-capture music file.

# Initialize the number of consecutive frames on which we want to check the hand gestures before triggering the events.
num_of_frames = 5

# Initialize a dictionary to store the counts of the consecutive frames with the hand gestures recognized.
counter = {'V SIGN': 0, 'SPIDERMAN SIGN': 0, 'HIGH-FIVE SIGN': 0}

# Initialize a variable to store the captured image.
captured_image = None

# Iterate until the webcam is accessed successfully.
while camera_video.isOpened():
    # Read a frame.
    ok, frame =
    # Check if frame is not read properly then continue to the next iteration to read the next frame.
    if not ok:
    # Flip the frame horizontally for natural (selfie-view) visualization.
    frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1)
    # Get the height and width of the frame of the webcam video.
    frame_height, frame_width, _ = frame.shape
    # Resize the filter image to the size of the frame.
    filter_imageBGRA = cv2.resize(filter_imageBGRA, (frame_width, frame_height))
    # Get the three-channel (BGR) image version of the filter image.
    filter_imageBGR  = filter_imageBGRA[:,:,:-1]
    # Perform Hands landmarks detection on the frame.
    frame, results = detectHandsLandmarks(frame, hands_videos, draw=False, display=False)
    # Check if the hands landmarks in the frame are detected.
    if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
        # Count the number of fingers up of each hand in the frame.
        frame, fingers_statuses, count = countFingers(frame, results, draw=False, display=False)
        # Perform the hand gesture recognition on the hands in the frame.
        _, hands_gestures = recognizeGestures(frame, fingers_statuses, count, draw=False, display=False)
        # Apply and Remove Image Filter Functionality.
        # Check if any hand is making the SPIDERMAN hand gesture in the required number of consecutive frames.
        # Check if the gesture of any hand in the frame is SPIDERMAN SIGN.
        if any(hand_gesture == "SPIDERMAN SIGN" for hand_gesture in hands_gestures.values()):
            # Increment the count of consecutive frames with SPIDERMAN hand gesture recognized.
            counter['SPIDERMAN SIGN'] += 1

            # Check if the counter is equal to the required number of consecutive frames.  
            if counter['SPIDERMAN SIGN'] == num_of_frames:
                # Turn on the filter by updating the value of the filter status variable to true.
                filter_on = True
                # Update the counter value to zero.
                counter['SPIDERMAN SIGN'] = 0
        # Otherwise if the gesture of any hand in the frame is not SPIDERMAN SIGN.

            # Update the counter value to zero. As we are counting the consective frames with SPIDERMAN hand gesture.
            counter['SPIDERMAN SIGN'] = 0
        # Check if any hand is making the HIGH-FIVE hand gesture in the required number of consecutive frames.
        # Check if the gesture of any hand in the frame is HIGH-FIVE SIGN.
        if any(hand_gesture == "HIGH-FIVE SIGN" for hand_gesture in hands_gestures.values()):
            # Increment the count of consecutive frames with HIGH-FIVE hand gesture recognized.
            counter['HIGH-FIVE SIGN'] += 1

            # Check if the counter is equal to the required number of consecutive frames.  
            if counter['HIGH-FIVE SIGN'] == num_of_frames:
                # Turn off the filter by updating the value of the filter status variable to False.
                filter_on = False
                # Update the counter value to zero.
                counter['HIGH-FIVE SIGN'] = 0
        # Otherwise if the gesture of any hand in the frame is not HIGH-FIVE SIGN.

            # Update the counter value to zero. As we are counting the consective frames with HIGH-FIVE hand gesture.
            counter['HIGH-FIVE SIGN'] = 0
    # Check if the filter is turned on.
    if filter_on:
        # Apply the filter by updating the pixel values of the frame at the indexes where the 
        # alpha channel of the filter image has the value 255.
        frame[filter_imageBGRA[:,:,-1]==255] = filter_imageBGR[filter_imageBGRA[:,:,-1]==255]
    # Image Capture Functionality.
    # Check if the hands landmarks are detected and the gesture of any hand in the frame is V SIGN.
    if results.multi_hand_landmarks and any(hand_gesture == "V SIGN" for hand_gesture in hands_gestures.values()):
        # Increment the count of consecutive frames with V hand gesture recognized.
        counter['V SIGN'] += 1
        # Check if the counter is equal to the required number of consecutive frames.  
        if counter['V SIGN'] == num_of_frames:
            # Make a border around a copy of the current frame.
            captured_image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(src=frame, top=10, bottom=10, left=10, right=10,
                                                borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(255,255,255))
            # Capture an image and store it in the disk.
            cv2.imwrite('Captured_Image.png', captured_image)
            # Display a black image.
            cv2.imshow('Selfie-Capturing System', np.zeros((frame_height, frame_width)))

            # Play the image capture music to indicate the an image is captured and wait for 100 milliseconds.

            # Display the captured image.
            plt.imshow(frame[:,:,::-1]);plt.title("Captured Image");plt.axis('off');
            # Update the counter value to zero.
            counter['V SIGN'] = 0
    # Otherwise if the gesture of any hand in the frame is not V SIGN.
        # Update the counter value to zero. As we are counting the consective frames with V hand gesture.
        counter['V SIGN'] = 0
    # Check if we have captured an image.
    if captured_image is not None:
        # Resize the image to the 1/5th of its current width while keeping the aspect ratio constant.
        captured_image = cv2.resize(captured_image, (frame_width//5, int(((frame_width//5) / frame_width) * frame_height)))
        # Get the new height and width of the image.
        img_height, img_width, _ = captured_image.shape
        # Overlay the resized captured image over the frame by updating its pixel values in the region of interest.
        frame[10: 10+img_height, 10: 10+img_width] = captured_image
    # Display the frame.
    cv2.imshow('Selfie-Capturing System', frame)
    # Wait for 1ms. If a key is pressed, retreive the ASCII code of the key.
    k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
    # Check if 'ESC' is pressed and break the loop.
    if(k == 27):

# Release the VideoCapture Object and close the windows.

As expected, the results are amazing, the system is working very smoothly. If you want, you can extend this system to have multiple filters and introduce another gesture to switch between the filters.